Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shanghai Propaganda Art Centre with an Bonus of M50 art museums

The above two posters used to be known as Calendar Poster as they were used commercially to promote the western goods such as cigarettes, medicine and so on in the 1930s and 1940s.

I found these posters to be way over the top. The poster on the left is promoting 上等电池 (top quality batteries) and the poster on the right is promoting 烟草 (cigarettes).

If I did not know how to read the Chinese characters, I would never even come close guessing what these posters were trying to promote. I would of thought one was trying sell bunnies and the other one, furniture... maybe?!

This was their way to lure in potential customers to purchase their products. Back in the 30s and 40s, people of Shanghai had a knack for pretty girls. Who wouldn't right?? So the marketing people came up with a slogan that translates to something like this: "You like pretty girls? We have pretty girls on our products, if you buy our batteries, people will think you are high class."

The cigarette poster depicts a group of family members have a wonderful time. It was trying to tell its potential customers that if you smoke their cigarettes, you will have a good life and good time with the family, which is totally the opposite of the commercials today. Today, commercials will warn people about the potential cancer risk you can get from smoking to much.

Me at M50, standing in front of what appears The M50 Art Center
to be modern art, but to me it looks like:
humans were evolved from dinosaurs!?!

Do not know what the Artist was thinking when he or she painted these paintings, but they sure look interesting to me.

I am usually not a big fan of art, but this Art Museum tour with my Alliance program made me appreciate art a little more. I guess I am attracted to the kind of Art that is more "out there" and "odd looking" instead of the typical art paintings.

再见 for now!

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