Sunday, October 2, 2011

September 25, 2011: Tour of 广洲 city:

We toured the Ancestral Temple of the Chen Family – also called Chen clan Academy of Chen’s Lineage Hall, which was a place for offering up sacrifices to ancestors. Now it serves as Guangdong Museum of Folk Arts and Crafts.
Shortly after, we visited the Guangzhou Museum, where we explored exhibits from pre-historic to the present.
Then we visited the Lychee Bay area, where my friends and I tried the famous water-chestnut jelly. It was actually not that good haha. Then we toured Shamian Island. Shamian Island was an important port for
广洲’s foreign trade from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.

A bedtime protector for the king Us chilling outside of the museum

The entrance of the Guangzhou Museum

Apparently this dragon head is where the water come through, and this is how the people told time back in the day.

Lychee Bay Area (荔枝弯) Holla! From left: Chilling with Edward, Fei Fei, and Jae

Dinner was up to your own preference. Alliance gave us each $40 RMB for dinner. Of couse, I cannot say no to SUSHI!! The salmon sa-shi-me (left picuture) and 3 types of salmon on the right. Overall, I really like the sushi dinner, everything was super fresh. The salmon sa-shi-me is almost worth dying for. Overall, I only spent $30 RMB of my own money for this great dining experience.

The group I was with in Shamian Island, with a lovely view for our picture.

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